Ann Dobbertin, MSW, LCSW-C

Ann Dobbertin
3320 Stanford St
Hyattsville, MD
United States


Voice Dialogue has had a profound influence on my personal and professional life. I use it daily as I am journaling, when I feel confused or stuck, even when I am swimming (I change my position in the lane as I hear from the different voices). It truly grounds and centers me.
When I am with my clients, it is a framework that informs my work. I focus on body, mind, emotion and spiritual integration. Facilitation helps to explore and heal difficult childhood experiences that affect the present. I teach people how to take better care of them self and to deal with the psychological challenges posed by physical disability and/or aging. I find the energetics of Voice Dialogue takes people to very deep places within themself.
I use some form of faciliation with most of my indiviuduals, couples and groups. It is such a powerful tool to use to explore dreams. I love teaching Voice Dialogue to Therapists and seeing how they use it in their work.

Offering Continuing Education Credits

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2001
Teaching Since 2004

Additional Modalities:
Imago Relationship Therapy
Jungian Dream Work

Areas of Interest:
Personal Journaling with your Selves
Self Care
Bonding Patterns and Couples Work
Individual and Group Facilitation
Facilitation and Dream Work
Ethical Decision Making using the Voice Dialogue Process

Title/Field School Date
MSW Catholic University, Washington DC 1986
Title State Date
LCSW-C Maryland 1988
Type Granting Organization Date
Imago Relationship Therapist Imago Relationship International 1997
Professional Background
After getting my MSW in 1986, I worked in a Pastoral Counseling Agency. I then went into Private Practice in 1993, working with individual adults, couples and groups.
I began my training in Voice Dialogue in 2001 and have attended 7 weeks at Thera since 2002. I began offering Voice Dialogue Retreat Weekends to my clients in 2004 and then started teaching Levels One and Two Trainings for Professionals in 2006. I have ongoing Consultation Groups for therapists and one day workshops on specific topics. I regularly teach an Ethics Seminar using the Voice Dialogue process to Social Workers

I am also passionate about working with the dream world, using Voice Dialogue. I have several Dream Groups and offers Weekend Dream Retreats.

Trained as an Imago Relationship Therapist, I combine Imago and Voice Dialogue when working with Couples.
My post graduate work relates to spirituality and Jungian psychology.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue at Thera Level 2 and 3Albion, California2003-20097 weeksHal and Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue Training Level 1 Atlanta, Georgia and Provincetown, MA2001 and 2002 6 daysDorsey Cartwright and Neil Meili; Hal and Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue Training Level 2 Support StaffWashington, DC20063 daysDorsey Cartwright and Neil Meili
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Supervision Group 2001-2008105 hours/ 70 daysDorsey Cartwright
Supervision Group 2007-201045 hours/30 daysJudith Tamar Stone
Peer Facilitation 2009 - present15 hours/ 10 daysKaren Thomas

* The most recent workshops.


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